GENERAL INFORMATION:This App named “Stock Watchlist” is a lightweight App for your mobile phone that allows you to create a list of your stocks and see the development of each of your stocks. Positive development is displayed with green color while negative development is displayed red.FEATURES:+ Add your stocks with the purchase price!+ See how the value of your stocks has changed since purchase!+ See if the value of your stocks has increased in the trade currency!+ Check if the value of your stocks has increased in your currency!+ Get charts for the stocks in your portfolio!+ See the latest news for your stocks!+ Analyze the composition of your assets!+ Multiple currencies support (BRL, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, USD and more)!+ English User Interface!+ No Sign-Up required!+ No additional In-App Purchases!
POSSIBLE USAGE:+ See the development, news and more information for your stocks.+ Get stock exchange information for a simulated stock portfolio (stock market game).
FURTHER INFORMATION:+ See your stocks development in the trade currency (e.g. EUR) and in your own currency (e.g. USD).+ To get the value of each of your stock positions, the sales price of each stock is fetched from Yahoo!+ To get the value of each of your stock positions in your currency, the exchange rate is also fetched from Yahoo!+ The latest news are fetched from the Yahoo! Financial RSS Feed.
INTERNET CONNECTION:+ To get data your device must be connected to the internet!
CAUTION:+ The stock and exchange data is delayed and no real time data is available.
DATA PRIVACY:+ We care for your data privacy and store all your data locally on your device.+ However to get updated stock prices and exchange rates be aware that this App must sent the stock symbols and currency codes you entered in plain text via the internet to Yahoo! Also usage data is shared with Google to identify the usage of the App and improve it.
DISCLAIMER:+ This is a new App and bugs can be included.+ This is a simple and non-professional App and should not be used for making any financial decisions.+ Everybody using this App is doing this at his/her own risk.